ICER Flyer

S Dasappa

Professor & Chairperson

With the emphasis on energy conversion processes, the R and D activities address both scientific and technological challenges in the area of combustion of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels. A major part of the research has been in the form of contributions to combustion science, which has further provided impetus towards technology development as a part of sponsored research and industrial project outputs. Translational research has led to developing technology to meet a range of devices, from cooking devices with high efficiency to MW level power generation. Many of the programs are oriented towards meeting the national goals in the area of Energy with emphasis on sustainability. The current activities focus on Green Hydrogen using biomass to address the national needs, a unique approach. In the area of clean coal technology, Prof. Dasappa has developed a novel reactor geometry for gasifiation of high as Indian coal to generate syngas. A few specific areas of research are indicated below,

  • Green hydrogen from biomass for PEM fuel cell, Ammonia and fertilizers
  • Thermochemical conversion process
    • Oxy-steam gasification for producing hydrogen-rich syngas for fuel cell applications
    • Propagation rates in packed bed reactors
    • Evaluation of tars from gasifier
  • Separation of gases from multi-species mixture
    • Hydrogen separation from syngas
    • Oxygen for medical application
  • Catalyst development and FT process for liquid fuel
  • SOFC using alternate fuel
  • In-cylinder diagnostics for alternate fuel
    • Gas engines and dual fuel engines
  • High ash coal to syngas – Novel reactor geometry for gasification
  • Hydrolysis process during biological conversion
  • Energy system modelling – circular economy
  • Modeling of renewables systems
  • Standards for gasifiers and stove evaluation