ICER Flyer


The Interdisciplinary Centre for Energy Research


Course No. : ER 201              No.  of Credits: 3

About the Course:

Energy is a critical component in the daily life of mankind. Historically, energy production technologies have shown a continual diversification depending on technological, social, economical, and even political impacts. In recent times, environmental and ecological issues have also significantly affected the energy usage patterns. Hence, renewable energy sources are occupying increasingly important part of the emerging energy mix. This course provides an introduction to key renewable energy technologies. Case studies will be discussed to emphasize the applications of renewable energy technologies. At the end of the course students should be able to identify where, how and why renewable energy technologies can be applied in practice.


Syllabus outline:

Renewable energy basics: Global and Indian energy scenario and the status and role of renewables. Types of renewable energy sources, their potential, advantages and limitations.

Solar thermal energy: Measurement and collection, flat plate collectors, concentrating collectors, solar thermal power plants, solar cooling and desalination technologies.

Solar photovoltaics: Basics of photovoltaic energy conversion, PV modules and arrays, system components and configurations, introduction to Thin Film PV technology, concentrated  PV systems.

Energy storage: Electrochemical, Thermal and other forms of energy storage.

Ocean energy: Principles of OTEC, wave and tidal energy conversion systems.

Wind Energy: Wind characteristics, National wind atlas, Types of wind turbines and their characteristics.

Biofuels: Properties and characterization, Biogas generation through aerobic and anaerobic digestion, Thermochemical methods of biofuel utilization.

Geothermal energy: Nature, modes of occurrence and utilization.

Hydrogen energy: Fundamentals of production, distribution, storage and utilization of hydrogen for automotive and stand-alone applications, Fuel cell fundamentals and types.


Prof. Pradip Dutta; Prof. S. Srinivasa Murthy; Prof. Praveen Ramamurthy; Prof. S. Dasappa; Prof. R. Govardhan; Prof. Pramod Kumar, Prof. A. J. Bhattacharya.


Class Hours: TBA.